The result for the JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 and 4-1 Semester (R20, R19, and R16) Regular/Supply December 2024 Exam will be released on the official website of the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada in February 2025. Students who have participated in the exam can anticipate that the result will be released in the next few days.
Candidates who have participated in the B.Tech 3-1 and 4-1 Semester (R20, R19, and R16) Regular/Supply exam should know that only those are going to be declared successful in the examination whose score will meet or exceed the minimum requirement. After the release of the result, a direct link to access it will be also made available below.
If you are among those students who took part in the B.Tech 3-1 or 4-1 Semester (R20, R19, and R16) Regular/Supply exam, you should know that the result will be accessible using the Hall Ticket Number. It is highly recommended to be ready with the result checking credential to access the result shortly after its availability on the official website.
How to check the JNTUK Results?
The step-by-step instructions to download or check the result for the JNTUK exam is available below. Once the outcome is made public, you will be able to check it by going through the listed points.
- Go to the official website of the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada.
- Lookout for an option that reads ‘Result,’ hit on it and get redirected to the next webpage.
- Now, you will see an option that says ‘ Result for the B.Tech 3-1 / 4-1 Semester (R20, R19, and R16) Regular/Supply December 2024 Exam,’ tap on it.
- At the end, you will be asked to enter your Hall Ticket Number, fill in the asked credential and hit the Submit button to check the result.
Details Available
The results for the JNTUK exam will be released as a marksheet, by downloading it from the official website of the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, aspirants will be able to check and verify the details available below.
- Student Name
- Hall Ticket Number
- Examination Name
- Semester/Year
- Course & Branch
- Subject-wise Marks
- Internal & External Marks
- Total Marks
- Grade in Each Subject
- Overall GPA (SGPA)
- Cumulative GPA (CGPA)
- Result Status (Pass/Fail)
- Exam Month & Year
Passing Criteria
Students who have participated in the exam for BTech should know that to pass the exam, a candidate is required to get a 40% score (12 out of 30 marks) in internal, a 35% score (25 out of 70 marks) in external, and 40% score (40 out of 100 marks) as overall. Additionally, in the lab or practical subject, an individual is required to get a 50% score.
Students who will fail in one or two subject(s) will be declared successful as overall, incase of not meet the minimum requirement in one or two subject(s), a candidate will have an option to participate in the supply exam, which is usually held within a few weeks after the release of the result of regular examination.
Students who have participated in the B.Tech 3-1 and 4-1 Semester (R20, R19, and R16) Regular/Supply December 2024 Exam should know that the mark sheet which will be released online will be the provisional one. After the release of the result on the official website, students will get a physical copy of this document from the admitted college.
It is expected that the physical copy of the marksheet will be distributed among the students within four weeks after the release of the result. As the result is expected to be released on the official website of the JNTU, Kakinada, we can anticipate that the physical copy of the result will be distributed among the students in March 2025.