TSPSC Group 2 Result 2025: Merit List Release Soon @tspsc.gov.in

The TSPSC Group 2 Exam was conducted by Telangana Public Service Commission on 15th and 16th December 2024. The exam was conducted against 783 vacancies in which there were a total of four papers, all those who have appeared in this examination are waiting for the declaration of the result.

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The examination was conducted by the TSPSC on 15th and 16th December 2024 in offline mode, the evaluation of the answer sheet is going to take more than 6 weeks, so it is expected that the result can be declared in February 2025. The result will be released in the form of a merit list on which details of eligible candidates will be available.

If you are one of the thousands of candidates who have appeared in this exam then you must know that the result will be declared only on the TSPSC’s official website at tspsc.gov.in/. Shortly after the release of the result a direct link to download and check the qualifying status will also be activated by us in the table given below for convenience.

How to check the TSPSC Group 2 Result?

To check the result of Group 2 Services Exam conducted by the TSPSC, you have to follow the below mentioned steps after its release.

  • First of all, go to the official website of Telangana Public Service Commission.
  • On the website of TSPSC, you will see an option related to the Result, click on it and reach the next page.
  • Now you will see an option related to the Result of TSPSC Group 2 Services Examination, click on it and download the PDF.
  • Finally, you have to search the hall ticket number in the PDF file to see whether you have passed the exam or not.
TSPSC Group 2 Result Release Status  To be released 
TSPSC Group 2 Result Download Link  Available Soon 

TSPSC Group 2 Result 2025

TSPSC Group 2 Cut Off Marks 

The TSPSC conducted the exam for Group 2 Services on 15th and 16th December 2024. There were a total of 4 papers in which each paper was of 150 marks i.e. total marks of the exam were 600. To be declared successful in the exam, a candidate needs to get the cut off marks or more, which is all set to be released along with the result.

As per the notification for released Group 2 Services by the TSPSC, the minimum requirement for a candidate who belongs to the Open Category is 40% score in each paper, the minimum requirement for Backward Class individuals is 35%, and for the Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Caste and Physically Handicapped candidates is 30%.

Candidates who have appeared in the Group II Services exam conducted by the TSPSC must know that scoring minimum qualifying marks in each subject does not mean that you will pass the exam, to get shortlisted on the merit list a candidate need to secure the cut off marks or more. The minimum qualifying mark is score, which can be lowest possible cut off marks in certain cases.

As the cut off marks to be declared successful in the TSPSC Group 2 Exam is yet to be released by the Telangana Public Service Commission, you may check the expected cut off by going through the tabulated data.

  • OC: 460-470
  • BC: 455-465
  • SC: 440-450
  • ST: 442-447
  • PH: 416-425

What after the TSPSC Group 2 Result?

After the TSPSC declares the results of the Group 2 Services exam, the qualified candidates will be called for DV and appointment. The candidates who are shortlisted will receive all the details of DV and further stage on their registered email, it is expected that the post-result stages will start immediately after the declaration of the result.

On the day of the Document Verification, candidates will have to take two xerox copies along with the original copy of all the necessary documents. The original copy will be asked for verification and you will have to submit the xerox copy at the office after which the appointment related work will be completed.

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